Sunday 31 January 2010

First skills audit for the G321 foundation

My first impressions of the preliminary exercise was that it was very vague, and this allowed the group to be imaginative in our plan for the film. Our idea from the beginning was to make a film with a crime-based theme, and we brainstormed various ideas as a group and then came up with the idea for a drug deal. We looked at clips from the film Kidulthood as well to help us write our script which has the same kind of theme.

As two members of our group, Amy and Tom, don't live in Weymouth this highlighted a slight problem, but we decided to film in Bridport at St Mary's playing park and I think the group as a whole worked well to make decisions quickly and everyone contributed equally. I didn't find it hard to work with anyone in my group either as I had worked with Amy in a group before and Leah and Tom were both open in their ideas.

My role was chosen to be director of the film and I drew out the storyboard to show each frame for the short film, e.g Over shoulder shots and mid shots. The storyboard was drawn up after the script was written. Leah's role was initially camera work, Tom's was editing and Amy's was scriptwriter.

I had not been to the location in Bridport before but the location recce was produced by Amy who knew the location, and it sounded like a really suitable place for our specific idea of two people meeting in a playpark, exchanging money and drugs and having a short conversation.
The thought of filming and directing the film was quite daunting as I haven't done any kind of film making or media subject before, but it was quite exciting to be able to have freedom with the ideas instead if being told specifically what to do and this allowed everyone to be creative and contribute to ideas and roles. The amount of paperwork to submit with the final product was daunting as well, but I'm sure it will be worth it and the group will hopefully be pleased with the final thing. On the other hand, the fact this is just a preliminary exercise makes me feel glad that we are not just thrown in at the deep end, and that we have a chance to learn from mistakes and get the hang of things before the do our proper film.